Master Surname Index

Judy Garland

Ancestry of
Judy Garland

Singer and Movie Actress

The family tree for Judy Garland is still in progress.

The family tree for Judy Garland should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative. Oftentimes the family trees listed as still in progress have derived from research into famous people who have a kinship to this person. Research devoted solely to this person has either not yet taken place or it is currently in progress. As with all family trees on this website, the sources for each ancestor are listed on the family group pages so that you can personally judge the reliability of the information.

Some of the most recently added connections of famous kin for Judy Garland


Zach Snyder


15th cousin 2 times removed
via Sir William FitzHugh


Parker Stevenson

TV and Movie Actor

18th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


William Henry Moore

Co-Founder, U.S. Steel and Nabisco

20th cousin 1 time removed
via Sir William de Ros


Ali Wentworth

TV Actress and Comedienne

15th cousin 2 times removed
via Sir William FitzHugh


Angela Y. Davis

Civil Rights Activist
and former Black Panther

18th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Glenn Close

Movie, Television, and Stage Actress

18th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Robert Frost

Poet and Playwright

18th cousin 1 time removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Thomas Jefferson

3rd U.S. President and Signer of the Declaration of Independence

15th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Upton Sinclair

Pulitzer Prize Winning Novelist

18th cousin 2 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Tilda Swinton

Movie Actress

18th cousin 2 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Samuel Prescott

Completed Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

15th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Francis Scott Key

Author of “The Star Spangled Banner”

17th cousin 1 time removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Catherine Howard

5th Wife of King Henry VIII

7th cousin 11 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Douglas Trumbull

Film Special Effects Pioneer

18th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Warren Buffett

Chairman & CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

18th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


John Marshall

4th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

16th cousin 2 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


William Fishback

17th Governor of Arkansas

18th cousin
via Edmund Fitzalan


Story Musgrave

NASA Astronaut

18th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Ted Danson

TV Actor - “Cheers”, “CSI”

18th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Jack London

Author of “The Call of the Wild”

18th cousin
via Edmund Fitzalan


Paul Walker

TV and Movie Actor

18th cousin 3 times removed
via Edmund Fitzalan


Jennifer Coolidge

TV and Movie Actress

19th cousin 1 time removed
via John V le Strange


Jennifer Coolidge

TV and Movie Actress

19th cousin 2 times removed
via Sir Geoffrey le Scrope


Seth Low

Mayor of New York City
President of Columbia University

20th cousin 1 time removed
via Sir William de Ros


Seth Low

Mayor of New York City
President of Columbia University

16th cousin 2 times removed
via Sir John Grey of Rotherfield

View entire list of famous kin for Judy Garland

Please note: The ancestor reports on this website have been compiled from thousands of different sources, many over 100 years old. These sources are attached to each ancestor so that you can personally judge their reliability. As with any good genealogical research, if you discover a link to your own family tree, consider it a starting point for further research. It is always preferable to locate primary records where possible. cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of these sources.